Rule 1. Shame doesn’t do what you think it does.
I'm sure you know what shame is. But looking at the way
it's being used by liberals and progressives, I'm not sure we all understand
what it does.
People understand the feeling of shame, and we know that
it’s a powerful disincentive. However, we do not seem to remember that shame is
not a tool to guide positive behavior; instead, it reinforces the threat of
social judgment and disapproval towards negative behavior. For example, most
Americans I daresay would agree that being physically intimate with a close
relative is contemptible, while few would say that a man shaking hands with a
married woman is.
There are two aspects necessary for shame to be
1. You must agree that the thing you did was wrong.
2. You must care about disappointing people if the
information were revealed
Shaming Trump voters is like trying to put out a fire
with cans of shaving cream: bizarre and dangerous. Please stop doing it.
When you see signs by “pro-life” advocates calling
liberals “Baby-killers” and “Hell-bound sexual deviants worshiping at the
furnace of Moloch”, does that make you want to reconsider your position? If you
were formerly an evangelical, maybe, but for most people on the “Pro-choices”
Left, these are not compelling arguments. Especially when pitted against the
spectre of unlimited Government interference and regulation into every nook and
cranny of a woman’s life.
But I was raised differently. As a pastor's son, I
learned quite a lot about religions in the Ancient Near-East. Moloch was one of the more popular of the
ancient gods. Part of the worship of Moloch included human sacrifice. The
worshipers would build a blazing fire inside of a large bronze idol, and then
they would pray to this god: for rain, or for successful war, or for wealth.
And then, to prove to this god how dedicated they were, they would take their
own little babies and throw them, still living, into the fire. They would stand
there in prayer, watching their child roast alive. Perhaps if the fire was hot
enough, perhaps if the screams were loud enough, Moloch would hear your
dedication and answer your prayer. For stuff.
You would not believe how easy it is for a skilled pastor
to pivot that message to today: “...and more and more young women are willing
to sacrifice anything for success, for status, for their careers, for
themselves and their own future. The promise is seductive, “Your life will be
free from inconvenience, you’ll be able to finish college, get a doctorate, and
travel around the world… if you only give me what is required: The demon Moloch
promises you success, if you only slaughter an unborn baby. Will you? Will you?
Answer me! Your Soul is on the Line! It’s reported that 600,000 young women
sell their souls to that demon every year, the demon of lust and greed and
death! And Christians are sitting quietly by while this happens. God Forgive
For someone with this perspective on reality, calling a
person a “baby killer” is a very strong shame attack.
However, for the liberal who sees that sign, I doubt they
have the same perspective:
1. They likely see a real and meaningful distinction between
a zygote, a fetus, and an infant.
2. They believe the individual has the right to make the
decision about what is and is not right on for their own bodies without
government interference because of someone else's religious belief.
3. They may disagree with the notion of abortion as a
form of demon worship.
Additionally, the Liberal seeing that sign likely has no
problem disappointing the sign holder. So, shame will not work in this
It works the same in reverse. A Trump voter is not going
to be shamed by you, a liberal so-and-so being led by a person who [insert any
conspiracy or scandal involving any Democrat]
You represent the opposite of what they believe, they
believe they are right, they are surrounded by people who agree with them, and
they hate you. Your shame will not work, and in fact, reinforces in their minds
how little they should trust you.
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